CoachRudy’s ADHD Planner Book:

Beyond To-Do Lists

Give the gift of organization!! Place an order below for yourself or a loved one in need of some help in planning.

*Free BONUS webinar – ” How to use Beyond To-D0 Lists for maximum benefit” (with purchase of my book)

Whether you have ADHD or not, Beyond To Do Lists can help if you struggle with the following issues:

  • Staying busy but accomplishing little

    1. Feeling overwhelmed by never-ending To-Do lists

    2. Having trouble prioritizing

    3. Running late for family, friends, and appointments

    4. Getting easily side-tracked

    5. Finding you’re unable to complete projects

    6. Forgetting important dates and events

    7. Having too much to do with too little time

    8. Includes Free BONUS webinar with purchase of my book: “How to use Beyond To-Do Lists Book for maximum benefit”

    CoachRudy is the founder of the ADHD Center for Success and specializes in ADHD and Executive Function Coaching. He has worked with ADHD clients since 1981 and was personally diagnosed with ADHD in 1993